The heart of your voice
To make sound, is claiming your existence.
βYour authentic voice has enormous powers. Using this tool consciously brings healing, liberation, more joy, harmony and connection in your life.
Which healing and liberating sounds reveal themselves when you connect your voice to your heart?
And what happens when people share a space where they commit to that power? In that field, a sparkle of magic is born, in simplicity and surrender.
With 'The heart of your voice' we dive into the powers of your voice connected to your heart.
Welcome on this inner journey to the heart of your voice.
"Your soul wants to sing. Singing is part of being human.
It is as natural as breathing".
- Jan Kortie
In this course I have the intention to let the heart connections and power of each voice help each participant make the growth that is possible in this moment. Through liberating and embracing your authentic voice your inner power wil shine more and your lifes mission can reveal itself more easily to you.
Steven has been coaching people to liberate their voice and embrace their potential since 2006. He integrates his experience, feedback and consciousness in every new session.
If you want to organise a retreat (in Dutch or English) in your country, feel free to contact us.

"To accompany people on their path to liberate their voice is one of my passions and I feel honoured on each occasion. The moment the heart of a voice fills the room, a sacred beauty is felt by everyone. After more than 15 years it feels wonderful to be a fascilitator and witness of this revealing of inner beauty and presence."
Steven Cnudde
coach sinds 2006
What is the goal of this retreat?
What can I expect?
Do I have to be a natural singer?
Is this therapy?
βWhat I received wa beyond expectation. Never have I felt so connected to this earth and did I experience the life-energy so vibrantly. I knew it existed and had some experience with it, but this was beyond all this. It really did me good and I was surprised of the potential of just a couple of days on this journey.β
“This traject has some surprises for each participant. Wether you like to sing or not, want to get more energy using your voice instead of being exhausted after a day of speaking, want to cope with your emotions more easily, ... anyone can find somehting of value in this course.!”
"I wanted to let you know that since the two-day and individual course I took with you, many positive changes are taking place. The singing exercise in reclining pose is now a regular part of my day after yoga. With another exercise, I experience a kind of tension release, where my body starts to tremble, as a sign of letting go of old baggage. In stressful situations, such as in a busy shopping mall, the practices help me increase my own energy and keep other energies out, making me feel calmer and more present. I also now spontaneously hum outside my home, something that was unthinkable a few months ago.
Thank you for everything. The freedom I experience now is so much greater and more expansive than I could have imagined."